How are you? How are you feeling? Xmas is just around the corner... we are all decorating our houses, our gardens... preparing all the gifts... but, - honesty time - , how are we?
Is it just me or do things feel like they’re getting quicker and quicker? Like time just flies by? Like we barely notice it... and still, we manage to go through the day... to show up to work, to school, to uni, to family dinner...?
I must say, I had to learn to do this the hard way... I have had my own burnouts... my own meltdowns since I started working like this... it certainly isn’t easy. Life, in itself, isn’t easy.
But there’s something that helps...
and that is
The Art of Noticing, of Slowing Down, or Coming Back to Ourselves, the Present Moment...
whatever you wanna call it, it is about learning about the power of Now, the Present Moment,
and noticing it.
Does it sound weird?
Many things in my blog posts are gonna be weird, and if you’re expecting something else, I am really sorry. But I am here to help out, and for that we need some honesty, some truth, some healing words, some love...<3
So, back to the main narrative... the Art of Noticing... have you ever looked at the clouds when on a work break? Or watched a cat from the window at the office, strolling down the street, or sitting and laying down to sunbath? Or enjoyed a simple cigarette while waiting for the delivery to come? (No, this is not me trying to sell a Smoking Cessation session ahahahah)
And in those moments, we just breathe, we just Are, we just, slow down and watch.
And it feels good.
It feels like we can finally wind down for a bit, forget about all the "shoulds" and "musts" around us, and just BE.
Simply BE.
Well.. in those little moments it’s you, practicing the Art of Noticing.
Interesting, right?!
Well... what if I told you, that the BIGGEST part of Life is about that?!
Yes... there’s the Big Celebartions...
a wedding, a child being born, buying a house, getting promoted, starting a new hobbie, going for a holiday, changing careers... those are the Big things... the ones we think Life is all about...
But, let me ask you... how often do they happen?
And are we focusing our happiness and our contentment in Life purely on these Big (few) Moments?!
Doesn’t make sense to behave and think this way, or does it?
But we all do it.
hell, I myself am guilty of that!!! of thinking like that!!...
Why do we do that though...
It’s because we’re not practicing or, better said, we have not been taught how to practice, the Art of Noticing.
We are always rushing. Rushing towards school, a job, a promotion, a holiday, getting things done... but we’re never taking the time to just... BE HERE, AND NOW.
And so we live, and we live in a rush, in a constant rush... we know we enjoy our morning coffee, we know we like to go on walks, we know we enjoy good food with good company... but how many times have you caught yourself being on your phone while drinking the morning coffee, thinking and complaining about work when on a walk and getting into senseless arguments when in good company?
We’ve all done it.
We live in the automatic mode and we do not even realise... hell, that’s why it’s called automatic. HAHahah
That’s why I am here... writing this blog post... telling you about the Art of Noticing... (and reminding myself too - cause I also should take my own lessons ahahah ) and how important it is to learn how to simply BE, to find beauty in the quiet moments. To stop chasing and chasing and chasing, and start being.
I am myself still learning how to incorporate it more and more into my Life, as I have realised I am also crippled by stress and anxiety when I forget about the Art of Noticing.
It’s been already two times where I had to spend a few days away from my laptop to recover from the pressure I was putting myself under. Simply because I thought I had to exist in this productive-full-on-mode.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
We can be selfish
( even though, it’s not selfish, it’s just taking care of oneself <3)
We can take a moment or two for ourselves. For our health. Our wellbeing. To notice all we’ve done. All we’re doing, where we’re heading.
We deserve those little breaks, those little windows of nothingness.
Of just pure existence.
Savour them when you recognise them.
It is part of the human experience
And no, we’re not missing out on anything.
But we will if we let those little, apparently-insignificant, moments get away without cherishing them.
I hope this serves as a little reminder
To take care
It is Ok to Rest
Take a break
Look back and notice all we’ve achieved today, this week, this month.
At the end of the day
We’re all human
Not machines
So let’s stop acting as such
With much love,
(P.S. Would you like to know more on how to practice the Art of Noticing and Slowing Down?! You can be expecting tips and tricks to slow down, lessons on the Nervous System and self-love notes for you <3 )